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in Articles 10 Dec 2022

is a bone disease that develops when bone mineral density and bone mass
decreases, or when the quality or structure of bone changes. This can lead to a
decrease in bone strength that can increase the risk of fractures (broken
bones). Osteoporosis
is a “silent” disease because you typically do not have symptoms, and you may
not even know you have the disease until you break a bone. Osteoporosis is the
major cause of fractures in postmenopausal women and in older men. Fractures
can occur in any bone but happen most often in bones of the hip, vertebrae in
the spine, and wrist.

affects women and men of all races and ethnic groups. Osteoporosis can occur at
any age, although the risk for developing the disease increases as you get
older. For many women, the disease begins to develop  a year or two before
menopause. Other factors to consider include: Osteoporosis
is most common in non-Hispanic white women and Asian women. African
American and Hispanic women have a lower risk of developing osteoporosis, but
they are still at significant risk. Among
men, osteoporosis is more common in non-Hispanic whites. Certain
medications, such as some cancer medications and glucocorticoid steroids, may
increase the risk of developing osteoporosis. Because
more women get osteoporosis than men, many men think they are not at risk for
the disease. However, both older men and women from all backgrounds are at risk
for osteoporosis. Some
children and teens develop a rare form of idiopathic juvenile osteoporosis.
Doctors do not know the cause; however, most children recover without

you can take steps to help prevent the disease and fractures by:

physically active by participating in weight-bearing exercises such as walking. Drinking
alcohol in moderation. Quitting
smoking, or not starting if you don’t smoke. Taking
your medications, if prescribed, which can help prevent fractures in people who
have osteoporosis. Eating
a nutritious diet rich in calcium and vitamin D to help maintain good bone

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